{auscensus}’s goal is to provide an easy interface to access data from Australian Census data packs. However, each data pack is a large file and thus they have not been included in the package. “Metadata” has been uploaded here and is retrieved by the package as needed but data files are not included. To get things ready for data extraction, follow the below steps.
The first step to get {auscensus} ready to work is to download the census data packs. Although the package contains a function to do so (data_census_download()), it is recommended to download the files manually (due to the large size). Data packs come in multiple formats - this package has been designed with specific versions, please download the versions shown below (you can retrieve the links using census_datapacks()). You can download only some of the files if you are interested only in a particular census.
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#> Census url type
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2021 https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/datapacks/download/2021_GCP_all_for_AUS_short-header.zip GCP
#> 2 2016 https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/datapacks/download/2016_GCP_all_for_AUS_short-header.zip GCP
#> 3 2011 https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/datapacks/download/2011_BCP_all_for_AUST_short-header.zip BCP
#> 4 2006 https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/LookupAttach/2006CensusDataPack_BCPPublication04.11.200/$file/census06bcp.zip BCP
Upon load, the package will create a folder where it will store all imported, downloaded and cached files. You can find its location by running find_cache() or Sys.getenv(“auscensus_cache_dir”). If you want to use the same cache in different environments (i.e. when using {renv}), you can do it via Sys.setenv() or usethis::edit_r_environ().
Once downloaded the data files, you can import them into the cache folder by using data_census_import() - just provide a vector with the full path of the data pack zip files.
As mentioned above, the cache will contain:
To keep an eye on the size of the cache, you can use data_census_info()
If you want to delete files, you can use data_census_delete(). This command will accept a vector with path names (which you can get from data_census_info()). If no argument is provided, it will delete all files in the cache.