--- title: "Auscensus - Setup" author: "Carlos YANEZ SANTIBANEZ" date: "2023-01-14" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Auscensus - Setup} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- {auscensus}'s goal is to provide an easy interface to access data from Australian Census data packs. However, each data pack is a large file and thus they have not been included in the package. "Metadata" has been uploaded [here](https://github.com/carlosyanez/auscensus/releases/tag/aux_files) and is retrieved by the package as needed but **data files are not included**. To get things ready for data extraction, follow the below steps. ## Download the data The first step to get {auscensus} ready to work is to download the census data packs. Although the package contains a function to do so (*data_census_download()*), it is recommended to download the files manually (due to the large size). Data packs come in multiple formats - this package has been designed with specific versions, please download the versions shown below (you can retrieve the links using *census_datapacks()*). You can download only some of the files if you are interested only in a particular census. ```r census_datapacks() #> # A tibble: 4 × 3 #> Census url type #> #> 1 2021 https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/datapacks/download/2021_GCP_all_for_AUS_short-header.zip GCP #> 2 2016 https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/datapacks/download/2016_GCP_all_for_AUS_short-header.zip GCP #> 3 2011 https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/datapacks/download/2011_BCP_all_for_AUST_short-header.zip BCP #> 4 2006 https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@archive.nsf/LookupAttach/2006CensusDataPack_BCPPublication04.11.200/$file/census06bcp.zip BCP ``` ## Cache folder Upon load, the package will create a folder where it will store all imported, downloaded and cached files. You can find its location by running *find_cache()* or *Sys.getenv("auscensus_cache_dir")*. If you want to use the same cache in different environments (i.e. when using [{renv}](https://rstudio.github.io/renv/index.html)), you can do it via *Sys.setenv()* or *usethis::edit_r_environ()*. ## Importing the data Once downloaded the data files, you can import them into the cache folder by using *data_census_import()* - just provide a vector with the full path of the data pack zip files. ## Managing the cache As mentioned above, the cache will contain: - Imported data packs - Metadata parquet files, used to assist the data retrieval. - Cache queries (for easy to use), in parquet format (see more in this [article](articles/getting_data)). To keep an eye on the size of the cache, you can use *data_census_info()* If you want to delete files, you can use *data_census_delete()*. This command will accept a vector with path names (which you can get from *data_census_info()*). If no argument is provided, it will delete all files in the cache.